Am I really leaving today? :(
I dunno but, what should you feel, when the time you have waited so much has arrived in a snap of a finger?
Oh Lord, what you will let it be so. Where you will there will I go. What is your will help m to know.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wake me up when September ends
It's just a couple of hours and September will vanish in thin air. How time flies. It's the last day of the month so I might as well create my September '10- ender blog.
Here's a wrap up of my September:
1. I waited in vain. And still I am! Oh, maybe my patience is being pushed to the wall. Or perhaps God thinks I'm not ready yet for 'that'. Oh well, He's given me the blessing in an unexpected way and maybe 'that time' will come the same way I didn't see it coming. Oh Dear God, just let it be :)
2. Work was okay. For this month work has been nothing good, nothing bad. I have had so many thoughts of leaving work because first; I grew weary of waking up very early, pulling myself out of the bed and commuting all the way to Manila, second; I wanted to rest before the day of the departure comes (but I'm still waiting when would it be) and third; the pay is unfortunate.
3. In the contrary, I'm into business! Hooray! I've discovered I could earn more and add up on my measly pay by doing business! I'll save up in the future because I don't want to be an employee forever. Franchise will do me good in my retirement. Jollibee? Salon and Spa? 7-eleven? I am quite sure my life will be a tad easier by that time though I'll definitely have to work my ass for the franchise cost eh?
4. I miss media. Some of my college and closest friends are starting their work in media firms right now, and I'm happy for them. Two of my friends texted me today, asking for support on their work. One said her very first story will be aired in national TV and the other told me her article will be published in national newspaper. Isn't that amazing? To be honest I felt a little envy and a quick thump on my heart. I miss media. I miss writing. I miss the adrenalin rush of deadlines, productions, scriptwriting, editing and tons of articles to work on. But I I did not feel the envy as if I wanted to cry my heart out for not being able to work in media. I did not feel the envy as if I felt insecure and left out. I felt encouraged and inspired. One day, I'm going back and be a cut-throat bitch in my 25's. One day, I'll be back and prove that the blood of a writer still runs in my warm blood. I am capable, I am, I can and I will.
5. My life has become more amazing! Sometimes a positive and an energetic attitude can attract good vibes of the universe. I dunno but in some little ways, I feel alive because of what's happening in my life right now. I guess it's just the state of the mind which provides me fulfillment. Attitude is everything.
I hope everyone had a good September. So much for this month. You had been fair to me. Thanks September! 'Til next year then! Ciao!
Here's a wrap up of my September:
1. I waited in vain. And still I am! Oh, maybe my patience is being pushed to the wall. Or perhaps God thinks I'm not ready yet for 'that'. Oh well, He's given me the blessing in an unexpected way and maybe 'that time' will come the same way I didn't see it coming. Oh Dear God, just let it be :)
2. Work was okay. For this month work has been nothing good, nothing bad. I have had so many thoughts of leaving work because first; I grew weary of waking up very early, pulling myself out of the bed and commuting all the way to Manila, second; I wanted to rest before the day of the departure comes (but I'm still waiting when would it be) and third; the pay is unfortunate.
3. In the contrary, I'm into business! Hooray! I've discovered I could earn more and add up on my measly pay by doing business! I'll save up in the future because I don't want to be an employee forever. Franchise will do me good in my retirement. Jollibee? Salon and Spa? 7-eleven? I am quite sure my life will be a tad easier by that time though I'll definitely have to work my ass for the franchise cost eh?
4. I miss media. Some of my college and closest friends are starting their work in media firms right now, and I'm happy for them. Two of my friends texted me today, asking for support on their work. One said her very first story will be aired in national TV and the other told me her article will be published in national newspaper. Isn't that amazing? To be honest I felt a little envy and a quick thump on my heart. I miss media. I miss writing. I miss the adrenalin rush of deadlines, productions, scriptwriting, editing and tons of articles to work on. But I I did not feel the envy as if I wanted to cry my heart out for not being able to work in media. I did not feel the envy as if I felt insecure and left out. I felt encouraged and inspired. One day, I'm going back and be a cut-throat bitch in my 25's. One day, I'll be back and prove that the blood of a writer still runs in my warm blood. I am capable, I am, I can and I will.
5. My life has become more amazing! Sometimes a positive and an energetic attitude can attract good vibes of the universe. I dunno but in some little ways, I feel alive because of what's happening in my life right now. I guess it's just the state of the mind which provides me fulfillment. Attitude is everything.
I hope everyone had a good September. So much for this month. You had been fair to me. Thanks September! 'Til next year then! Ciao!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The typhoon which brought us love

It was exactly four years ago. Four years ago when Yok and I first set eyes on each other.
I was soaked in the rain, with my gold satin gown and washed-up face from the pour. Yok Han was inside the church, anxious and nervous perhaps, ;p waiting for the moment we're about to see each other.
September 28, 2010.
Four years after. Remembering how typhoon Milenyo swept 'that wedding' with rain as well as swept off our feet to each other; today's the first time Yok held my hand, today's the first moment Yok kissed my cheeks and today's the first chance Yok told me in the eye that he love me and adore me.
Today's the day we braved typhoon Milenyo and faced God with our love. It was four years after this very day, we walked down the aisle with so much love in our heart and so much passion in our mind that we asked Him to bless us and guide us throughout the years to come.
Happy fourth year of togetherness my Yok Han! Happy fourth year anniversary of 'that wedding'. I love you to the core.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
This is what I'm afraid of.
Ever since Yok joined the fraternity in his Law school, I've become apprehensive of one thing; frat wars. I don't have anything against the brotherhood but if violence comes with it, I do not approve of that.
At first, Yok did not tell me he joined frat then because he knows I'm tons against it. He revealed it to me weeks after his initiation when all the bruises and scars were healed hence the girlfriend can't do anything because it's all been done. I just told him one thing- not to partake on frat wars.
September is the bar exams month and every Law school's fraternities and sororities show support on their colleagues. I've been there once and I can't hardly say every frat's hub is safe. This year, Yok wasn't active and he only went in the site once and left immediately in the morning.
Tonight 42 people were hurt because of a blast in De La Salle at Taft. I was completely surprised as I heard the news. The bar exams ended in a violent way because of supposedly frat wars. I couldn't think of what would I do if Yok went there and was hurt. I was so scared. I thanked God because he knows the Yok shouldn't be there.
At first, Yok did not tell me he joined frat then because he knows I'm tons against it. He revealed it to me weeks after his initiation when all the bruises and scars were healed hence the girlfriend can't do anything because it's all been done. I just told him one thing- not to partake on frat wars.
September is the bar exams month and every Law school's fraternities and sororities show support on their colleagues. I've been there once and I can't hardly say every frat's hub is safe. This year, Yok wasn't active and he only went in the site once and left immediately in the morning.
Tonight 42 people were hurt because of a blast in De La Salle at Taft. I was completely surprised as I heard the news. The bar exams ended in a violent way because of supposedly frat wars. I couldn't think of what would I do if Yok went there and was hurt. I was so scared. I thanked God because he knows the Yok shouldn't be there.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Glee returns (and so the Gleeks!)
There are a lot of things I am happy about right now but what makes me perfectly happy is the return of my favorite musical show- Glee!
After almost three months of airtime vacay,
Glee is back, with a whole lot more!

Glee is back, with a whole lot more!
As soon as I knew the what-about of it's Philippine premier, I immediately marked it at my calendar and even set the alarm 30 minutes before the telecast. Yep, call me a gleek! I watched the first episode and I must say I had spent an hour of good TV watching Glee! Even if I slept for less than 5 hours and went on duty for work, it's okay as long as I listen to Glee's playlist the next day. :)

Here's Rachel and Finn as an onscreen couple in the second ep.
Rachel lost weight and it's very apparent since her flabs are seen elsewhere on the first ep.
Plus, she's got a new look with her full bangs and mahogany-colored do.
Well, Finn, is still Finn except that he's no longer a quarterback.
I wonder what will he do to get out of the 'loser' shadow eh?
For this season, the couple gained maturity.
But, Rachel's narcissism is still on sky high notes (evident on what she did to Sunshine on the premier ep).
I wonder how Finn will put up with Rachel's craziness.
Another breakup, anyone?
Back to back.
Quinn has given birth, and she's regained herself as the head of the Cheerios.
Meanwhile, Artie is heartbroken. Tina dumped her because of the other Asian guy.
(Forgive me if that just sounded racist, but it's not. I just forgot his name)
Glee's new beast. There can only be one queen in a palace. Would that be Sue? Or the Beast perhaps?

Did I mention Charice is in the house?
Yep folks, Charice is in the house!

Well, I'm just happy Glee is back! And I'm looking forward to my Wednesday nights and some slushie with the gang!

Here's Rachel and Finn as an onscreen couple in the second ep.
Rachel lost weight and it's very apparent since her flabs are seen elsewhere on the first ep.
Plus, she's got a new look with her full bangs and mahogany-colored do.
Well, Finn, is still Finn except that he's no longer a quarterback.
I wonder what will he do to get out of the 'loser' shadow eh?

But, Rachel's narcissism is still on sky high notes (evident on what she did to Sunshine on the premier ep).
I wonder how Finn will put up with Rachel's craziness.
Another breakup, anyone?

Quinn has given birth, and she's regained herself as the head of the Cheerios.
Meanwhile, Artie is heartbroken. Tina dumped her because of the other Asian guy.
(Forgive me if that just sounded racist, but it's not. I just forgot his name)

Yep folks, Charice is in the house!
I loved Glee ever since it started and even before Charice stepped in. I understand why too much fuss was created because our very own Pinay homegrown talent is conquering the top musical show in Tinseltown. It's super! But with or without Charice, I'm still a fan. :)
I felt awkward watching Charice. I guess it's because of her excessive smiles. Perhaps why she was named Sunshine because her character should be sunny and lively.
But, I really think her smiles are over the top. Hee ;p It's like, she's overwhelmed to act and sing with Rachel and be seen in Hollywood TV and she can't hold herself from too much happiness and excitement. If you've seen that part where they had a mini showdown of Lady G's Telephone, Rachel was very eager to outshine Sunshine. I can feel it in her face, the diction of her words, the strength of her jaw and the direction of her lips. On the opposite, Charice was all smiles while singing leaving me confused how she was feeling all throughout their showdown. Plus, too many hand movements! Too many hand movements! When she sang "Listen" as her audition piece at the auditorium, she just threw her hands and shoulders in the air in between her inhales and exhales. Again, over the top. I'm sorry but I just have to say. :)
Anyhoo, aside from that everything was crystal clear perfect! Her voice was stunning! Her diction was American! And she looked pretty! So pretty! Charice is a diva, a real shining diva!
I felt awkward watching Charice. I guess it's because of her excessive smiles. Perhaps why she was named Sunshine because her character should be sunny and lively.
But, I really think her smiles are over the top. Hee ;p It's like, she's overwhelmed to act and sing with Rachel and be seen in Hollywood TV and she can't hold herself from too much happiness and excitement. If you've seen that part where they had a mini showdown of Lady G's Telephone, Rachel was very eager to outshine Sunshine. I can feel it in her face, the diction of her words, the strength of her jaw and the direction of her lips. On the opposite, Charice was all smiles while singing leaving me confused how she was feeling all throughout their showdown. Plus, too many hand movements! Too many hand movements! When she sang "Listen" as her audition piece at the auditorium, she just threw her hands and shoulders in the air in between her inhales and exhales. Again, over the top. I'm sorry but I just have to say. :)
Anyhoo, aside from that everything was crystal clear perfect! Her voice was stunning! Her diction was American! And she looked pretty! So pretty! Charice is a diva, a real shining diva!

Well, I'm just happy Glee is back! And I'm looking forward to my Wednesday nights and some slushie with the gang!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
So young, so fun.
I have never had fun since the last time I remembered killing time with my friends, just chilling elsewhere, passing up on funny stories, bullying annoying people (in-a-not-so-cruel-way, I think!), and sharing dreams way back our college days. Yes, I have never had so much fun since then, just this last weekend. :)
It was Jay's 21st birthday and we headed to his crib at Pacita, Laguna to celebrate and catch up with friends.

For those who didn't come, this is what you've missed. Aside form us of course!
Who doesn't miss sleepovers? Crazy and funny pillow fights, wrestling and more! In the bed scene
Pia, Mica, Jheerick, Marco, Beiah, Milli, I, Paul and Ikko (not pictured)
The ever present friend of ours every partey and meet-ups, the mighty booze!
It was Jay's 21st birthday and we headed to his crib at Pacita, Laguna to celebrate and catch up with friends.

For those who didn't come, this is what you've missed. Aside form us of course!

Pia, Mica, Jheerick, Marco, Beiah, Milli, I, Paul and Ikko (not pictured)

The night was filled with music, stories and laughter. The boys sang Backstreet boys' hits and other hard core songs. The girls sang love songs and oldies. Ikko was trying to look serious while singing "You Raise me up" but we couldn't help but laugh out loud. It was fun. Soo much fun.
The next day, we went to Nuvali to chill. The place is nice actually.
From the lush greens and cool man-made lake...
To bounty fish cois...

Clean and friendly park...
Eating with Hun at Conti's
And because it's still sunny outside, we went to Pig out, to pig out!
The birthday boy, Akihiro. with his ice cream present from Pig Out, Milli also had one.
And this was Xhai giving us the cowgirl dance.
The crew also surprised us by singing a happy birthday song for Jay and Milli! Bongga!
The guys including the birthday girl-- Milli!

Perhaps we were the best definition of Pig Out that day!

The next day, we went to Nuvali to chill. The place is nice actually.

I hope there would be more recreational activities formed in the future. Aside from commercial diners and tiangge's, activities like biking, boat riding, and fish feeding are few things you could do. I advise to go there late in the afternoon when the sun has set already because when we went there, the sun was frikkin' hot! Frikkin' hot!

While waiting for the burning sun to cool down, the gang ate sweets at Conti's.
A slice of Mango Bravo is a slice of heaven
Jay's chocolate mousse while Jef also had chocolate cake
Milli's chicken ala king which tastes just like Chicken ala king
Mica had her favorite pasta carbonara

I forgot what is this but I think Pia was satisfied with this viand, of course with rice!
While waiting for the burning sun to cool down, the gang ate sweets at Conti's.

The crew also surprised us by singing a happy birthday song for Jay and Milli! Bongga!

Thursday, September 9, 2010
For sale: Canon ZR900 camcorder
Friends, I need your kind hearts. Help me make some moolah! :)
I'm selling my Canon ZR900 Camcorder. I used it for almost two years during my junior and senior years in college. I'm selling it because I'm flying away and I am not bringing it with me. It's still in VERY GOOD condition because I took care of it way back on my college days. It comes with the camcorder bag, battery, charger, and video cables. I'm selling it for 17,000 php. I bought it for 22,000 php. PRICE IS STILL NEGOTIABLE. If you're willing to buy it at 15,000 php I'll give in easily. :)
I don't do meet-ups (but if we know each other we can meet so I can give you the product). I will send the product when I received the payment right away. Don't worry because I'm not one of those sick and ill-willed people who don't bother going to hell by fooling innocent persons. If you're interested, contact me at 09274573938 or 09229957851.
The camcorder bag
The camcorder still in VERY GOOD quality!
It comes with the battery, charger, and video cables.
"Please purchase me!" :)
I'm selling my Canon ZR900 Camcorder. I used it for almost two years during my junior and senior years in college. I'm selling it because I'm flying away and I am not bringing it with me. It's still in VERY GOOD condition because I took care of it way back on my college days. It comes with the camcorder bag, battery, charger, and video cables. I'm selling it for 17,000 php. I bought it for 22,000 php. PRICE IS STILL NEGOTIABLE. If you're willing to buy it at 15,000 php I'll give in easily. :)
I don't do meet-ups (but if we know each other we can meet so I can give you the product). I will send the product when I received the payment right away. Don't worry because I'm not one of those sick and ill-willed people who don't bother going to hell by fooling innocent persons. If you're interested, contact me at 09274573938 or 09229957851.
Click here for more of the deets of Canon ZR900.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
What keeps me busy?
Not being around to blog doesn't mean I already neglected this site. I'm busy-- soo busy reading different blogs of my friends, acquaintances, people I don't personally know and I've just known through blogging. And guess what? It's keeping me up the whole night I sometimes forgot I have to wake up in the wee hours in the morning to push my ass to work.
Oh, there's just so many good reads in the blogosphere. From fashion, to beauty, family, travels, and everything up in the sky...I always learn something new every time I read someone's blog. As of now I just enjoy reading around but I'll probably post something worthy anytime soon!
Read, read, and read! :)
Oh, there's just so many good reads in the blogosphere. From fashion, to beauty, family, travels, and everything up in the sky...I always learn something new every time I read someone's blog. As of now I just enjoy reading around but I'll probably post something worthy anytime soon!
Read, read, and read! :)
Sunday, September 5, 2010
When good girls gone wild...
Oh, madness! It's been a long time since I last scrabbled my thoughts here eh? Everything was crazy and I don't want to explain everything here. Period.
Good vibes instead! My colleagues and I went on a girl's night out last week at Zirkoh Timog. Everyone looked different with their hair down, without the plain uniforms, and just being fun and fab.
The gals just chilling.
L-R, Cai, Me, Faye, Cheng, Leslie and half-faced Debbie :)
Boozed up!
Two of my loves; Pey and Sweety!
With our Madam Cai!
My partner in crime, Pepey!
Yep, I got up the stage and had to bear with the comedians' wild and pun-intended antics!
15 minutes of infamy captured on TV! Hee!
Na-okray on stage! Hahaha!
Vanity strikes before we're off to home!
Vanity, still on our way home.
Yet again...
And again, okay I'm going to stop posting pictures because the next are wilder! Haha!
Pey and I with my disturbed and growing eyebrows! Haha!
Good vibes instead! My colleagues and I went on a girl's night out last week at Zirkoh Timog. Everyone looked different with their hair down, without the plain uniforms, and just being fun and fab.

I slept over at Faye's dorm for almost three hours and we got up to work. It's convenient since her dorm is just a 5-minute walk near the airport. I'm considering of moving in an apartment near my workplace but since I'm just waiting for my batch, it's all unnecessary now.
We had a blast that night! And, we still have a list to do of our escapades!
If you are thinking how do we manage to pull off a put-together-look sans the complete sleep and rest, here's how.

We had a blast that night! And, we still have a list to do of our escapades!
If you are thinking how do we manage to pull off a put-together-look sans the complete sleep and rest, here's how.

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