Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Macaroni salad for the soul!

Disregard the tittle. I know you're all used with the Chicken soup for the soul, but since I've found these genius wordings from different authors of books and movies I've come across while bumming around, I want to post it here so all of you can be inspired or moved or aroused one way or another. Because I could really use some of these right now. :)

Btw, Macaroni Salad is my all time favorite food!

There are two things that prevent us from achieving our dreams; believing them to be impossible or seeing those dreams made possible by some sudden turn of the wheel of fortune, when you least expected it. For at that moment, all our fears suddenly surface: the fear of setting off along a road heading who knows where, the fear of a life full of new challenges, the fear of losing forever everything that is familiar. The Devil and Miss Prym- Paulo Coelho

"Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed." The Devil and Miss Prym- Paulo Coelho

People want to change everything, and, at the same time, want it all to remain the same. The Devil and Miss Prym- Paulo Coelho

Good and evil have the same face; it all depends on when they cross the path of each individual human being.The Devil and Miss Prym- Paulo Coelho

We can always say we’re not hurt by the stones others throw at us, and it’s only at night- when we’re alone and our wife or husband or our school friend is asleep- that we can silently grieve over our own cowardice. The Devil and Miss Prym- Paulo Coelho

Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need.

Fightclub- Chuck Paluhinuk

"Two little mice fell into a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned but the second mouse, he struggled so hard that he eventually churned that cream into butter, and he walked out." Catch me if you can- Steven Spielberg

“Money can’t buy happiness, but it could sure put a down payment on it.” Dear Baby Girl- Jane Orcutt

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