I am about to face another year in my life in just a few moment. And here are the goals for the past year that I have accomplished and I haven’t.
At 21…
1. I had finished college.
2. I got published thrice, in a nationwide magazine.
3. I had landed a job after graduation.
4. I had landed a job abroad before the year 2010 ended.
5. I ‘managed’ to be independent while I live alone and far away from my family.
6. I had ‘learned’ to sleep alone (but still with the lights on)
7. I had ‘learned’ to do my laundry (with the help of washing machine)
8. My current net worth amounts to more than 7 times of my previous salary.
9. I am travelling around the world. I get to work and see the world all at once. J
10. I had ‘learned’ to eat eggplant.
At 21…
1. I haven’t gotten a permanent savings account! I kept on opening and closing, opening and closing an account. As I go home this month, I have to have a permanent savings account. Really!
2. I wasn’t able to finish 12 books in 12 months. Boo!
3. I did not spend Christmas and New Year with my family and le boyfriend. L But I’m spending the holy week with them anyway!
4. There are still credits to pay!!!
5. I stopped exercising.
Now, as I turn 22, here’s my bucket list that I will turn into reality.
1. Increase my savings amounting to six-digits! Yes, let’s get it on! Goodbye shopping! Partly! :P
2. Buy my own car, with my own money.
3. Drive my own car, which means getting a driver’s license.
4. Think of a business, and save capital for it.
5. Find a good career fallback after December 2012.
6. To visit US and UK J
7. To buy two books every payday and to finish reading it all in a year.
8. To extend help in whatever form it may be
9. To increase domestic travels! Explore Philippines!
10. To be a better person.
The last one sounds poetic, yes, but don’t scratch it. Who wants to get worse every year of his life eh?
I am truly blessed for the past year and I believe that without God’s guidance, I couldn’t have been to where I am right now to begin with. So to Him, I offer all my praise and worship.
I have only one birthday wish, please always keep my family and my love ones safe, healthy, away from any sickness, accidents, and misfortune. Please fill their hearts with love, peace, and happiness. For that, I am truly grateful.
I am now 22, cheers! J