And these are the things that make me happy, either purchased or not!
- Two perfect schus! Yok Han's gift for me!

2. Half-gallon of ice cream stashed in our fridge I am eating now while bathed in sweat and still burning fats. Don't you love summer at all?
3. My new and improved healthy lifestyle: Early morning jogging, exercise and decreased food intake!
4. Good reads! I am now reading a lot of good books because I have more time to do so! Yay!
5. Good movies! It's like rummaging all the good and classic movies in my Father's betamax cabinet! Hahaha!
6. And, oh by the way, last night, I was in utter bliss. Twas the "Meet the Parents" night. Our own version; Yok Han's parents met mine and my parents met his' as well. Wedding bells, eh? Definitely, it's would not be too soon!
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